0 Introduction

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This tutorial is inspired by Oleg Kiselyov's typed tagless-final linear lambda calculus interpreter. In particular, I will explain how to extend Oleg's interpreter, which uses a first-order (deBruijn index) representation of LLC, to an interpreter which uses a higher-order (higher-order abstract syntax) representation of LLC. In order to accomplish this, I will make use of several advanced Haskell features including higher-rank polymorphism, type families, and promoted data kinds. After showing the representation for a minimal linear lambda calculus (LLC), just lambdas and applications, I will extend the interpreter to a full LLC (including additive and unit types); and finally, I will add recursive types to allow standard programming examples to be written.

Linear Lambda Calculus

Before diving in, I will attempt to give a brief summary of LLC; a more thorough summary can be found in Frank Pfenning's online notes.

A linear lambda is a function which must use its argument exactly once. I use -<> as concrete syntax for a linear function type, \x -<> e as concrete syntax for a linear lambda with argument x and body e, and f ^ x as concrete syntax for linear application.

-- show Grammar for LLC
m ::= x | \x -<> m | m ^ m

Thus the following is a valid linear lambda:

\f -<> \x -<> f ^ x

with type

(a -<> b) -<> a -<> b

while the following are not:

\f -<> \x -<> f ^ x ^ x  -- uses linear variable x twice

\f -<> \x -<> x  -- doesn't use linear variable f

Some Type Theory

The linearity of linear lambdas is syntactically expressed in their typing rules, which are built on the following judgement

D  |-  m :: A

denoting that term m has type A in linear context D, where D is a set of typed variables-- so we assume all variables have unique names, which can always be achieved via alpha conversion.

The typing rules for (minimal) LLC are as follows:

-------------- (lvar)     
x::A  |-  x :: A            

   D, x::A  |-  m :: B
-------------------------- (-<>I)
D  |-  \x -<> m :: A -<> B

D  |-  m :: A -<> B     D'  |-  n :: A
-------------------------------------- (-<>E)
      D union D'  |-  m ^ n :: B

Linearity is the consequence of the lvar rule requiring that only one variable be in the linear context (thus no variables can be ignored); and of the -<>E rule splitting the linear context beween it's two subtrees (thus no variable can be used more than once). For the curious: the I and E stand for introduction and elimination since when read from premise to conclusion, I rules introduce (show how to construct) a type, while E rules eliminate (show how to use) a type.

Here is a complete typing derivation for \f -<> \x -<> f ^ x:

---------------------------- (lvar)      ---------------- (lvar)
f::A -<> B  |-  f :: A -<> B             x::A  |-  x :: A
--------------------------------------------------------- (-<>E)
f::A -<> B, x::A  |-  f ^ x :: B
--------------------------------------- (-<>I)
f::A -<> B  |-  \x -<> f ^ x :: A -<> B
-------------------------------------------------- (-<>I)
  |-  \f -<> \x -<> f ^ x :: (A -<> B) -<> A -<> B

Type checkers generally follow the structure of the term they are checking and thus, in the context of type checking, typing rules are usually read from conclusion to premise. Therefore, the typing rules above are not suitable for implementing a type checking (or inference) algorithm for LLC due to the need to split the linear context in the -<>E rule-- it would not be feasible to try every possible splitting until one succeeds.

Algorithmic type checking

LLC typing rules can be recast in a more algorithmic fashion by lazily splitting the linear context, i.e. passing everything to the first branch and then giving the leftovers to the second branch; this technique comes from linear logic programming. To this end, we change our typing judgement to have the form:

Di \ Do  |-  m :: A

where Di is the input linear context and Do is the output linear context and Di - Do is the actual linear context used in the derivation; the derivations must maintain the constraint that Di is a superset of Do. Here are the typing rules:

--------------------- (lvar)     
D, x::A \ D  |-  x :: A            

Di, x::A \ Do  |-  m :: B   (x not in Do)
----------------------------------------- (-<>I)
Di \ Do  |-  \x -<> m :: A -<> B

Di \ D  |-  m :: A -<> B     D \ Do  |-  n :: A
----------------------------------------------- (-<>E)
            Di \ Do  |-  m ^ n :: B

These rules can be easily implemented.

Typed Tagless-Final Interpreters

Writing a typed tagless-final interpreter for a language can be thought of as an exercise in transcribing the typing rules of the language into Haskell types. A much more comprehensive (and perhaps comprehensible) presentation of the typed tagless-final approach can be found in Oleg's notes.

The preceding algorithmic typing rules are so easy to implement that they can be directly encoded as Haskell types. I will present two such encodings. The first encoding will show how a presentation of the preceding rules, modified to work with a deBruijn index based calculus (rather than explicit named variables), can be directly, and simply, encoded in Haskell types. The second encoding will keep the explicitly named variables (and use HOAS) and directly model the rules above at the cost of slightly more complicated Haskell types.