Data Type Extensions

As of March 2020, School of Haskell has been switched to read-only mode.

These extensions enhance the capabilites of Haskell’s algebraic data types.


Available in: GHC 7.0 and later

The deprecated DatatypeContexts extension is officially part of the Haskell 98 and Haskell 2010 language standards, but is going to be removed in the next standard. It allows you to constrain any and/or all type parameters in a data or newtype declaration, like so:

data (Eq v) => OneOrThreeRequiringEq v = ORE v | TRE v v v

newtype (Show a, Ord a) => RequiresShowAndOrdTagged a b = RSAOTagged b

Wherever a contextually-constrained data type appears, the relevant constraints are required to be present. Such a data type does not carry around said constraints, but requires them to be present (even if unused) at both construction and deconstruction instead. This behavior is generally undesirable, so data type contexts are widely considered a misfeature.

Warning: Do not use DatatypeContexts in new code! I only include it here to aid in understanding legacy Haskell codebases. If you think you might want DatatypeContexts, try ExistentialQuantification instead.


Available in: All recent GHC versions

The EmptyDataDecls extension is very simple: it allows you to define data types with no constructors. You must omit the = character when defining an empty data type.

The main use case for such a type is as a phantom parameter to some other type, but there are occasionally other uses of EmptyDataDecls as well.

Try it out!

{-# LANGUAGE EmptyDataDecls #-}

data Empty

data EmptyWithPhantom x

type EmptyWithEmpty = EmptyWithPhantom Empty

main = putStrLn "No errors."


Available in: All recent GHC versions

The ExistentialQuantification extension deals with monomorphic data types that might contain multiple distinct types of contained values. Existential types are especially useful for wrapping up similar things with distinct types in a container of monomorphic type.

For example, consider the following type class and instances:

class StringLike s where
    toString :: s -> String
    fromString :: String -> s

instance StringLike String where
    toString = id
    fromString = id

instance StringLike Text where
    toString = unpack
    fromString = pack

Suppose we want to collect a list of StringLike types, but they might be of different actual type. We know ahead of time that we will only ever be using the operations of StringLike on the elements of the list. We can use ExistentialQuantification to construct a monomorphic box for all StringLike types:

data Stringish = forall a. StringLike a => Stringish a

instance StringLike Stringish where
    toString (Stringish s) = toString s
    fromString = Stringish

Now we can make a list of StringLikes without the typechecker complaining!

[Stringish (pack "Hello as Text"), Stringish "Hello as String"]

Unfortunately, because of the extra power that ExistentialQuantification affords you, existentially-quantified declarations cannot have deriving clauses and cannot be newtypes.

Warning: Be very careful with existential types! Try to search for other solutions before considering using them.

Try it out!

{-# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification #-}

data AnyShowable = forall a. (Show a) => S a

instance Show AnyShowable where
    showsPrec p (S a) = showParen (p >= 10) $ ("S " ++) . showsPrec 11 a

main = print $ [S (3 :: Int), S (5.2 :: Double), S "Hello, world!",
                S (), S (S (S [S True, S EQ, S GT]))]

ExistentialQuantification as a Replacement for DatatypeContexts

You can use ExistentialQuantification to replace the deprecated extension DatatypeContexts by simply declaring the context on your constructor(s) rather than on your data type itself. This keeps the same behavior for construction but switches deconstruction from requiring the declared context to providing the declared context, which is usually closer to what you want in such situations.

For example, this:

newtype (Eq x) => Equatable x = Eqt x

becomes this:

data Equatable x = (Eq x) => Eqt x

Notice that any newtypes must be transformed into datas, because ExistentialQuantification does not work on newtypes.


Available in: GHC 7.2 and later

The GADTSyntax extension enables a new syntax for data declarations. For example, this declaration:

data OneOrBoth a b = OneL a | Both a b | OneR b

can also, and equivalently, be written as:

data OneOrBoth a b where
    OneL :: x      -> OneOrBoth x y
    Both :: v -> w -> OneOrBoth v w
    OneR ::      r -> OneOrBoth q r

As demonstrated above, there is no requirement that the type variables in the part of the declaration between data and where be related to the type variables after where, nor is there any requirement that the type variables used in any one constructor signature be related to the type variables used in any other constructor signature.

If the declaration has a deriving clause, it is put after the last constructor signature, as usual.

Record syntax also works with GADTSyntax, but it looks slightly different. For example, this declaration:

data Vec2 n = Vec2 { xCoord :: n, yCoord :: n }

can also, and equivalently, be written as:

data Vec2 n where
    Vec2 :: { xCoord :: n, yCoord :: n} -> Vec2 n

Translating an existing data declaration, with record components or not, to the so-called “GADT-style syntax” that GADTSyntax introduces does not change the meaning of your data type declaration.

NOTE: There is a way to avoid using superfluous type variables between data and where, but it requires another extension in tandem with GADTSyntax (namely, KindSignatures).

There is one limitation on GADT-style syntax as enabled by GADTSyntax, however: each constructor’s signature must end with the data type that you are declaring, as parametrized (if applicable) entirely by type variables, all of which much be distinct and unconstrained. This requirement ensures that anything that you write in GADT-style syntax can be equivalently written in ordinary data syntax, and vice versa.

Try it out!

{-# LANGUAGE GADTSyntax #-}

data MyData x y z where
    MyData    ::   x -> [y] -> (Maybe (z, z))   -> MyData x y z
    EmptyData :: {    isJiggeredUp :: Bool    } -> MyData u v w
  deriving (Show)

main = print $ [MyData "Hi!" [1 :: Integer, 3, 2] (Just (2 :: Int, 15)),
                EmptyData { isJiggeredUp = False }]


Available in: All recent GHC versions

The GADTs extension (short for Generalized Algebraic Data Types) implicitly enables GADTSyntax, and then almost completely removes the single limitation discussed above. When GADTs is enabled, the only requirement for a GADT-style data declaration is that each constructor signature (eventually) returns some well-kinded parametrization of the data type that you are declaring.

With GADTs, GADT-style syntax is no longer restricted to expressing ordinary data types:

  • you can express data types that constrain some or all of their constructors’ type variables, possibly in different ways.
  • you can express data types that “hide” a type variable, not letting it show up as a parameter.
  • you can express data types that produce the type you’re declaring only at certain concrete or partially concrete parameter types.

The former two of these three features are actually instances of ExistentialQuantification, but you cannot use that extension’s syntax unless it is also enabled. GADTs allows you to, in effect, use existential types without directly declaring them.

For example, this declaration:

data MyData x where
    MyData1 :: (Show a) =>        a   -> MyData a
    MyData2 :: (Read b) => String     -> MyData b
    MyData3 :: (Eq   v) => v  ->  [w] -> MyData w

is equivalent (with ExistentialQuantification enabled) to:

data MyData x =           (Show x) => MyData1        x
              |           (Read x) => MyData2 String
              | forall v. (Eq   v) => MyData3 v      [x]

Unfortunately, because of the extra power that GADTs affords you, GADT-style declarations that take advantage of this extra power cannot have deriving clauses, nor can they be newtypes.

Try it out!


data AST ty where
    LitInt    :: Int                   -> AST Int
    LitString :: String                -> AST String
    OpApp     :: AST (a -> b) -> AST a -> AST b
    PlusOp    ::                          AST (Int -> Int -> Int)
    NegOp     ::                          AST (Int -> Int)
    LengthOp  ::                          AST (String -> Int)

evaluate                 :: AST ty -> ty
evaluate (LitInt    i  ) =  i
evaluate (LitString s  ) =  s
evaluate (OpApp     f v) =  evaluate f $ evaluate v
evaluate  PlusOp         =  (+)
evaluate  NegOp          =  negate
evaluate  LengthOp       =  length

main = print . evaluate $
 OpApp (
  OpApp PlusOp (
   OpApp NegOp (
    LitInt 17
 ) (
  OpApp LengthOp (
   LitString "Hello, world!"
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