Alexander Altman

As of March 2020, School of Haskell has been switched to read-only mode.

Hi! I’m Alexander Altman, also known as Ptharien’s Flame. I’m an avid typed-functional programmer, and I especially enjoy working in Haskell, Agda, Rust, and Ceylon. I also do some work in Swift, and am a founding member of the TypeLift project.

  • Guide to GHC Extensions

    **A guide to the wide variety of Haskell extensions available in GHC, aimed at people who know most of the Standard Haskell core.** The extensions which are currently covered are: - [`BangPatterns`]( - [`BinaryLiterals`]( - [`DatatypeContexts`]( - [`DoAndIfThenElse`]( - [`DoRec`]( - [`EmptyCase`]( - [`EmptyDataDecls`]( - [`ExistentialQuantification`]( - [`ExplicitForAll`]( - [`GADTs`]( - [`GADTSyntax`]( - [`Haskell98`]( - [`Haskell2010`]( - [`LambdaCase`]( - [`LiberalTypeSynonyms`]( - [`MonadComprehensions`]( - [`MultiWayIf`]( - [`NegativeLiterals`]( - [`NPlusKPatterns`]( - [`NondecreasingIndentation`]( - [`NumDecimals`]( - [`OverloadedLists`]( - [`OverloadedStrings`]( - [`PackageImports`]( - [`ParallelListComp`]( - [`PatternGuards`]( - [`PatternSignatures`]( - [`PatternSynonyms`]( - [`PolymorphicComponents`]( - [`PostfixOperators`]( - [`Rank2Types`]( - [`RankNTypes`]( - [`RecursiveDo`]( - [`ScopedTypeVariables`]( - [`TransformListComp`]( - [`TupleSections`]( - [`UnicodeSyntax`]( - [`ViewPatterns`]( The following extensions will probably never be covered (usually because they were deprecated and/or removed from GHC sufficiently long ago): - `AlternativeLayoutRule` - `AlternativeLayoutRuleTransitional` - `Generics` - `JavascriptFFI` - `MonoPatBinds` - `NewQualifiedOperators` - `RelaxedLayout` - `SafeImports` Most of the information these tutorials present is derived from [the relevant chapter of the GHC User’s Guide](, as well as selected parts of [the GHC source code](