
As of March 2020, School of Haskell has been switched to read-only mode.

Lets look at one of my favourite typeclasses, the humble Monoid.

A Monoid is a set of things (call them a), and a function <> :: a -> a -> a with the property that

(x <> y) <> z == x <> (y <> z)

for all the things in our set. This is called accociativity. You can immediately think of things that fit this, such as

    (1 + 2) + 3 == 6 == 1 + (2 + 3)

Or how about

("A " ++ "Lazy ") ++ "Cat" == "A Lazy Cat" == "A " ++ ("Lazy " ++ "Cat")

Now, there's also one more thing that is required to be a Monoid, and that's an element like 0 or "", called mempty such that

x <> mempty == x == mempty <> x

So, you can see that "" ++ "Cat" == "Cat", for example, which is how it got the name mempty (Monoid empty). It is what is called an identity for <>. It must have the property that:

mempty <> x = x = mempty <> x

You can see how this holds for lists.

[] ++ xs == xs == xs ++ []

0  +  x  == x  == 0  +  x

Also, the <> function goes by the name mappend since it works like the append function on lists, but for Monoids. The nice <> name is defined in Data.Monoid.

-- show
infixr 6 <>

class Monoid a where
    (<>) :: a -> a -> a
    mempty :: a

instance Monoid [a] where
    a <> b = a ++ b
    mempty = []

instance Monoid Int where
    a <> b = a + b
    mempty = 0
    Now, how about we make a function to "sum" a list.
    Or, thinking about it from the list point of view, concatenate a list.

mconcat []     = mempty
mconcat (x:xs) = x <> (mconcat xs)

example1 :: Int  -- I need this here since my Monoid instance is just for Ints
example1 = mconcat [1,2,3]
example2 :: String
example2 = mconcat ["The ", "Happy ", "Bear"]
-- /show
main = do putStrLn $ "example1 -> " ++ show example1
          putStrLn $ "example2 -> " ++ show example2

Let's take a look at some of the other instances in there.

Num a => Monoid (Product a)  
Num a => Monoid (Sum a)  

Oh, well then, we seem to have overlooked something. For numbers, not only does + and 0 work, but also * and 1!

(a*b)*c == a*(b*c)
1*x == x

Well, we can't have two instances for numbers. Haskell won't like that, it wouldn't know what we mean when we say mempty :: Int. So, what we do is make some new types.

import Prelude hiding (sum, product)

infixr 6 <>

class Monoid a where
    (<>) :: a -> a -> a
    mempty :: a

instance Monoid [a] where
    a <> b = a ++ b
    mempty = []

mconcat []     = mempty
mconcat (x:xs) = x <> (mconcat xs)

-- show
data Product a = Product a    -- It would make sense to newtype these
data Sum     a = Sum     a    -- but I'm not talking about newtype here

getProduct (Product x) = x
getSum     (Sum     x) = x     -- You could get these for free with record notation

-- It also wouldn't hurt to derive a Num instance, but I won't here

instance (Num a) => Monoid (Product a) where
    mempty = Product 1
    (Product a) <> (Product b) = Product (a * b)

instance (Num a) => Monoid (Sum a) where
    mempty = Sum 0
    (Sum a) <> (Sum b) = Sum (a + b)

sum xs = unSum $ mconcat $ map Sum xs
product xs = unProduct $ mconcat $ map Product xs

test :: Int
test = 42
-- /show
main = do putStrLn $ "sum     [2,3,4] -> " ++ (show $ sum [2,3,4])
          putStrLn $ "product [2,3,4] -> " ++ (show $ product [2,3,4])
          putStrLn $ "test -> " ++ (show test)

At this point, I think you can read through Data.Monoid and learn about more of the interesting instances such as Any and All, First and Last, and Lexographic Ordering. (Note the use of mappend instead of <>, since that was how it was frist defined. I used <> in my Monoid class, since it is easier to read)

Now, so far, I've only been working on lists, but that's not all we can work over. Let's make an very simple tree.

{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor #-}
import Data.Monoid

data Tree a = Leaf a | Branch (Tree a) (Tree a) deriving (Functor, Show, Eq)

fringe :: (Monoid a) => Tree a -> a
fringe (Branch l r) = (fringe l) <> (fringe r)
fringe (Leaf a)     = a

exTree =(Branch (Branch (Leaf 5) (Leaf 8))
                (Branch (Leaf 3)
                        (Branch (Leaf 7)
                                (Leaf 4))))
main = do putStrLn $ "Sum :" ++ (show $ getSum $ fringe $ fmap Sum $ exTree)
          putStrLn $ "List: " ++ fringe (fmap (\x -> show x ++", ") exTree)

Have fun.