Straining Tag Soup

As of March 2020, School of Haskell has been switched to read-only mode.


Tagsoup is a package for parsing strings of xml into a list of tag elements.

-- | A single HTML element. A whole document is represented by a list of @Tag@.
--   There is no requirement for 'TagOpen' and 'TagClose' to match.
data Tag str =
     TagOpen str [Attribute str]  -- ^ An open tag with 'Attribute's in their original order
   | TagClose str                 -- ^ A closing tag
   | TagText str                  -- ^ A text node, guaranteed not to be the empty string
   | TagComment str               -- ^ A comment
   | TagWarning str               -- ^ Meta: A syntax error in the input file
   | TagPosition !Row !Column     -- ^ Meta: The position of a parsed element
     deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Data, Typeable)
parseTags :: StringLike str => str -> [Tag str] 

There are functions for splitting a list of Tags into sections whose first item matches a predicate; but there are no functions for searching/filtering the xml objects; there is module which converts a list of tags into a tree of tags, but it is provisional and has limited support for searching.

This tutorial will show how to create a simple, yet effective, library for searching/filtering a list of xml objects. I will first show a novel technique for transforming a list of Tags into a list of objects using a generalization of unfoldr. Then I will create a small DSL for predicates over these objects; this DSL will make use of Applicatives.


First I'll need a type to represent xml objects.

data Object = Object {
      srcFile :: FilePath,
      kind :: String,
      attrs :: [Attribute String],
      text :: String,
      kids :: [Object]
  deriving (Eq, Show)

I include a source file field in anticipation of reading in xml from several files.

I will also have a few convenience functions for Objects.

emptyObj = Object {
             srcFile = "",
             kind = "",
             attrs = [],
             text = "",
             kids = []

addKid :: Object -> Object -> Object
addKid obj kid = obj{kids = kids obj ++ [kid]}

getAttr :: String -> Object -> Maybe String
getAttr nm = lookup nm . attrs

showObj :: Object -> String
showObj obj = "("++kind obj++
              ", attrs="++show (attrs obj)++
              ", text="++text obj++
              ", kids=["++intercalate "," (map showObj $ kids obj)++"])"

I will parse a list of Tags into an Object and the remaining list of Tags I would like to structure this function in a manner similar to unfoldr

unfoldr :: (b -> Maybe (a, b)) -> b -> [a]

where I have a function to produce the next Object and the rest of the stream, and I use a combinator like unfoldr to handle the recursion and produce all the Objects. However, I can not use unfoldr; since it doesn't return the rest of the stream when it is done, I can not use it to handle the recursive calls parse the child Objects. So I will use a generalization of unfoldr

unfoldGen :: (a -> Either c (b, a)) -> a -> ([b], c)
unfoldGen f = either ([],) (\(v, x') -> first (v:) (unfoldGen f x')) . f

where either is from Data.Either and first is from Control.Arrow.

I can now use a function nextObj of type

nextObj :: FilePath -> [Tag String] -> Either [Tag String] (Either Object String, [Tag String])

with unfoldGen to turn a list of Tags into a list of Objects. The Either Object String is necessary in nextObj since there can be both text and objects inside an object.

nextObj :: FilePath -> [Tag String] -> Either [Tag String] (Either Object String, [Tag String])
nextObj file [] = Left []
nextObj file (t:ts) = case t of
    TagOpen nm ats | nm /= "?xml" -> Right (Left obj, popTagClose ts')
      where (res, ts') = unfoldGen (nextObj file) ts
            obj = Object{srcFile = file, 
                         kind = nm, 
                         attrs = ats,
                         text = concat $ rights res,
                         kids = lefts res
            -- silently ignore orphaned tags
            popTagClose = drop 1 . dropWhile (not . isTagCloseName nm)

    TagClose _ -> Left (t:ts)

    TagText txt | all isSpace txt -> nextObj file ts -- ignore just whitespace text
                | otherwise -> Right (Right txt, ts)

    _ -> nextObj file ts -- ignore all other TagSoup tags

I can now write tagsToObjs to transform a list of Tags to a list of Objects

tagsToObjs :: FilePath -> [Tag String] -> [Object]
tagsToObjs file = lefts . fst . unfoldGen (nextObj file)

I can now put everything together to get a complete program.

{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-}
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Arrow
import Data.Char
import Data.Either
import Data.List
import Data.Maybe
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.IO as T
import Debug.Trace
import System.FilePath
import Text.HTML.TagSoup

data Object = Object {
      srcFile :: FilePath,
      kind :: String,
      attrs :: [Attribute String],
      text :: String,
      kids :: [Object]
  deriving (Eq, Show)

emptyObj = Object {
             srcFile = "",
             kind = "",
             attrs = [],
             text = "",
             kids = []

addKid :: Object -> Object -> Object
addKid obj kid = obj{kids = kids obj ++ [kid]}

getAttr :: String -> Object -> Maybe String
getAttr nm = lookup nm . attrs

showObj :: Object -> String
showObj obj = "("++kind obj++
              ", attrs="++show (attrs obj)++
              ", text="++text obj++
              ", kids=["++intercalate "," (map showObj $ kids obj)++"])"

unfoldGen :: (a -> Either c (b, a)) -> a -> ([b], c)
unfoldGen f = either ([],) (\(v, x') -> first (v:) (unfoldGen f x')) . f

nextObj :: FilePath -> [Tag String] -> Either [Tag String] (Either Object String, [Tag String])
nextObj file [] = Left []
nextObj file (t:ts) = case t of
    TagOpen nm ats | nm /= "?xml" -> Right (Left obj, popTagClose ts')
      where (res, ts') = unfoldGen (nextObj file) ts
            obj = Object{srcFile = file, 
                         kind = nm, 
                         attrs = ats,
                         text = concat $ rights res,
                         kids = lefts res
            -- silently ignore orphaned tags
            popTagClose = drop 1 . dropWhile (not . isTagCloseName nm)

    TagClose _ -> Left (t:ts)

    TagText txt | all isSpace txt -> nextObj file ts -- ignore just whitespace text
                | otherwise -> Right (Right txt, ts)

    _ -> nextObj file ts -- ignore all other TagSoup tags

tagsToObjs :: FilePath -> [Tag String] -> [Object]
tagsToObjs file = lefts . fst . unfoldGen (nextObj file)

-- show Parse a file into a list of Objects. 
getFileObjs :: FilePath -> IO [Object]
getFileObjs file = tagsToObjs file . parseTags . T.unpack <$> T.readFile file

conv = "<conversation><hello comment='boring'></hello><goodbye>boa viagem</goodbye></conversation>"
test = "<song notes='at the end'><verse>eu vou embora</verse><chorus>boa viagem</chorus><verse>a deus</verse></song>"

main = do
  putStrLn $ "tags=\n" ++ show (parseTags $ test ++ conv)
  putStrLn ""
  mapM_ (putStrLn . ("obj=\n"++) . showObj) $ tagsToObjs "" $ parseTags $ conv ++ test 
  putStrLn "\nok"


Now that I can create a list of Objects, it'd be nice to search and filter the objects.

I'll start with the simplest way to get a list of sub-Objects satisfying a given predicate.

findObjs :: (Object -> Bool) -> Object -> [Object]
findObjs p obj | p obj = obj : objs
               | otherwise = objs
  where objs = concatMap (findObjs p) (kids obj)

Now I can write pretty much any kind of search I want.

Here are some basic handy predicates.

anyObj = const True

kindIs k = (== k) . kind

textVal p = p . text

letVal getVal useVal obj = useVal (getVal obj) obj

Here are some basic building blocks for predicates on attributes.

genAttr p = isJust . find p . attrs

-- Note: Attributes are just pairs in TagSoup
p ! q = genAttr (\(k,v) -> p k && q v)

attrName p = genAttr (p . fst)

attrVal p = genAttr (p . snd)

I can also define compound predicates.

(<&&> :: (Object -> Bool) -> (Object -> Bool) -> Object -> Bool
p1 <&&> p2 = \obj -> p1 obj && p2 obj

(<||> :: (Object -> Bool) -> (Object -> Bool) -> Object -> Bool
p1 <||> p2 = \obj -> p1 obj || p2 obj

However, it is slightly inconvenient to have to use named variables when using compound predicates. So I will use the fact that ((->) a) is an instance of Applicative to tidy up my predicates.

type ObjPred = Object -> Bool

(<&&>) :: ObjPred -> ObjPred -> ObjPred
p1 <&&> p2 = (&&) <$> p1 <*> p2
infixl 6 <&&>

(<||>) :: ObjPred -> ObjPred -> ObjPred
p1 <||> p2 = (||) <$> p1 <*> p2
infixl 5 <||>

Note that I can compose with regular Boolean functions.

not . (kindIs "a" <&&> not . attrName (== "bad") :: ObjPred

I will now add predicates on ancestors and descendants of a given object; i.e. I'd like to be able to find an object which has a descendant satisfying some property. In order to do this, I will have to have access to both parents and descendants of a given object. One way to accomplish this is to add a parent field to Objects. However, this will complicate object traversal and serialization (which I mightbe interested in). So, I will opt for adding the traversal history to the find function.

I will start by redefining ObjPred to take some state (the path to the current object).

data ObjPredState = ObjPredState{curObj :: Object, prevObjs :: [Object]}

type ObjPred = ObjPredState -> Bool

and I will use a few convenience functions on ObjPredState.

newObjPredState :: Object -> ObjPredState
newObjPredState obj = ObjPredState{curObj = obj, prevObjs = []}

nextObjPredStates :: ObjPredState -> [ObjPredState]
nextObjPredStates objPredSt = map modOPS (kids obj)
  where obj = curObj objPredSt
        modOPS o = ObjPredState{curObj = o, prevObjs = obj : prevObjs objPredSt}

prevObjPredState :: ObjPredState -> Maybe ObjPredState
prevObjPredState objPredSt = case prevObjs objPredSt of
                               [] -> Nothing
                               (x:xs) -> Just ObjPredState{curObj = x, prevObjs = xs}

Then I can redefine findObjs to keep track of the paths.

findObjs' :: ObjPred -> Object -> [ObjPredState]
findObjs' p = go . newObjPredState where
  go opSt | p opSt = opSt : opSts
          | otherwise = opSts
    where opSts = concatMap go $ nextObjPredStates opSt
findObjs :: ObjPred -> Object -> [Object]
findObjs p = map curObj . findObjs' p

I have separated out findObjs' from findObjs since findObjs' is more basic and might be needed to write some predicates (i.e. those which require looking at the path to this object).

Now I can write the following predicates.

hasParent :: ObjPred -> ObjPred
hasParent p = maybe False p . prevObjPredState

hasAncestor :: ObjPred -> ObjPred
hasAncestor p = maybe False checkParent . prevObjPredState
    where checkParent opSt = p opSt || hasAncestor p opSt

hasChild :: ObjPred -> ObjPred
hasChild p = any p . nextObjPredStates

hasDescendant :: ObjPred -> ObjPred
hasDescendant p opSt = or $ p opSt : map (hasDescendant p) (nextObjPredStates opSt)

And make the following convenience infix operators.

x ~~> y = x <&&> hasChild y
infixl 7 ~~>

x *~~> y = x <&&> hasDescendant y
infixl 7 *~~>

x +~~> y = x <&&> hasChild (hasDescendant y)
infixl 7 *~~>

x ~/~> y = x <&&> not . hasChild y
infixl 7 ~/~>

x *~/~> y = x <&&> not . hasDescendant y
infixl 7 *~/~> 

x +~/~> y = x <&&> not . hasChild (hasDescendant y)
infixl 7 *~/~>

And of course the corresponding ones for ancestors can be defined.

Now I can write predicates such as

kindIs "a" +~~> kindIs "b" +~/~> (== "name") ! ('&' `elem`)

to specify an a which has a proper descendant b which doesn't have a proper descendant with a name attribute whose value contains an &.