Shortest Path - Floyd-Warshall

As of March 2020, School of Haskell has been switched to read-only mode.

Shortest Path Problem


In graph theory, the shortest path problem is the problem of finding a path between two vertices (or nodes) in a graph such that the sum of the weights of its constituent edges is minimized.

Reference Shortest Path Problem (wiki)

Floyd-Warshall Algorithm

The Floyd-Warshall algorithm compares all possible paths through the graph between each pair of vertices. Algorithm has a nice recursive definition for calculating the shortest path between two vertices: Floyd-Warshall.

To find a path from i to j the algorithm will test between the direct path {[i,..,j]} using vertices {1..k} as intermediate points along the way and using a step k+1: {[i,..,k+1],[k+1,..,j]}. Recursive base case k=0 is the edge [i,j].

Normally in applications, the shortest path reconstruction is also required. In wiki page there is a slight modification in the algorithm: When a new shortest path is found, the matrix containing the paths is updated. This method won't fit directly in the functional programming paradigm. I had some problems to design path reconstruction function and I ended up with a solutions which calls shortest function recursively and I found this solution quite hard to read. Anyway, it solves the desired problem and could be improved using memoization.


{-# START_FILE Floyd.hs #-}
module Floyd (floyd_warshall) where

floyd_warshall start end graph = (dist, [start] ++ route ++ [end])
  where dist  = shortest (start, end, length graph) graph
        route = path (start, end, length graph) graph
-- Calculates the value of shortest route
shortest (i,j,0) g = g !! (i-1) !! (j-1) -- Transition value from graph
shortest (i,j,k) g = min (shortest (i,j,k-1) g) $
                         (shortest (i,k,k-1) g) + (shortest (k,j,k-1) g)

-- Reconstructs the shortest path
path (i,j,0) _ = []
path (i,j,k) g
  | direct < step =  path(i,j,k-1) g
  | otherwise     = (path(i,k,k-1) g) ++ [k] ++ (path(k,j,k-1) g)
  where direct =  shortest (i,j,k-1) g
        step   = (shortest (i,k,k-1) g) + (shortest (k,j,k-1) g)

{-# START_FILE Main.hs #-}
import Data.List (transpose)
import Floyd

main = do
  -- show Example problem
  contents <- readFile "graph.txt"
  let graph = readGraph contents

  output $ floyd_warshall 1 8 graph
  -- /show

output x = do
  putStrLn $ "(Length, [nodes])"
  putStrLn $ show x

readGraph = transpose . str2int . map words . lines
str2int = $ zero2inf . fromIntegral . (\xs -> read xs :: Int)
zero2inf x = if x == 0 then 1/0 else x
{-# START_FILE graph.txt #-}
0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0
8  0  0  0  0  0  0  0
15 13 0  0  0  0  0  0
9  0  0  0  0  0  0  0
0  0  6 13  0  0  0  0
0  0  0  0  7  0  9  0
0  0  5  0  0  0  0  0
0  0  0  0  0  4  18 0


Solution above will actually use much more computation and memory than is needed. It's the first working version and I hope I'll have time to improve it. The first improvement for this algorithm would be implementing memoization. This technique allows to use already calculated values.


The algorithm requires three iterations through vertices (paths between each i and j and steps 1..k), thus O(V^3).