Playing with DataKinds

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Playing with DataKinds

Disclaimer: this is not a tutorial, but rather a problem statement and a few of it's solutions that do the job. But the actual intent of this post is to raise a question regarding how to do things better.

Haskell has a quite popular feature of giving "field accessors" for it's datatypes. But there is one problem with them: they let you fail at runtime easily. This seems to be quite an embarrassing thing to have, especially for a language that tries to be "if it compiles -- it works" as much as possible. Here's an example illustrating that (imaging we're writing producer-consumer program):

data JobDescription = JobOne { n :: Int }
                    | JobTwo
                    | JobThree { n :: Int }
  deriving (Show, Eq)

taskOneWorker :: JobDescription -> IO ()
taskOneWorker t = do
    putStrLn $ "n: " ++ (show $ n t)

main :: IO ()
main = do
  -- this runs ok:
  taskOneWorker (JobOne 10)

  -- this fails at runtime:
  -- taskOneWorker JobTwo

  -- this works, but we didn't want it to:
  -- taskOneWorker (JobThree 10)

Feel free to uncomment last lines and press "run" to see the problem.

You can see we've defined three tasks, and then wanted to write a worker function for first of them. Obvious problem is that it would:

  • fail at runtime if called with JobTwo argument
  • not fail at compile nor runtime for JobThree arg

It looks like we need to somehow distinguish at a type-level and state that taskOneWorker takes exactly JobOne. For that, I've found something called Datatype promotion. From what I understood, it lets you automatically have new distinct types for JobOne and JobTwo. While this looks exactly what we need to have something close to taskOneWorker :: JobOne -> ..., I didn't find explanation on what exactly to do next to resolve the problem I have described.

While I've heard there are libraries that help you solve this problem, I wanted to instead have a clear understanding of what would be the simplest thing you can build in order to understand problem better.

Solution one

First solution I came up with looks like this:

{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE KindSignatures #-}

data JobDescription = JobOne
                    | JobTwo
                    | JobThree
  deriving (Show, Eq)

data SJobDescription :: JobDescription -> * where
    SJobOne :: { jobOneN :: Int } -> SJobDescription JobOne
    SJobTwo :: SJobDescription JobTwo
    SJobThree :: { jobThreeN :: Int } -> SJobDescription JobThree

taskOneWorker :: SJobDescription JobOne -> IO ()
taskOneWorker t = do
    putStrLn $ "Job: " ++ (show $ jobOneN t)

main :: IO ()
main = do
  -- this typechecks: 
  taskOneWorker (SJobOne 10)

  -- these two don't type-check:
  -- taskOneWorker SJobTwo
  -- taskOneWorker (SJobThree 10)

Few things about this:

  • we left our tasks as simple algebraic data type (ADT) without any parameters. This lets DataKinds extension easily promote our data constructors to types (so now we have types JobOne, JobTwo, JobThree, and their kind is JobDescription)
  • we created a GADT (Generalized ADT), which is parameterized by a type of newly-created kind JobDescription, thanks to which we now have data-constructors SJobOne, SJobTwo, SJobThree, which create a value of type, that's stating it's job description inside.

To recap, we have three new data-constructors: SJobOne :: Int -> SJobDescription JobOne, SJobTwo :: SJobDescription JobTwo and SJobThree :: Int -> SJobDescription JobThree.

So, now we have everything working. Good stuff type-checks, bad stuff doesn't (try it right here!).

Few problems I see:

  • we had to put distinct names jobOneN and jobThreeN, since these functions now have different types
  • we can't write a worker that doesn't care which task it is, but only cares if it has some concrete fields

Solution two

That's why I decided to also add a typeclass-based accessors, similar to how lens library gives you makeFields TH function.

{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE KindSignatures #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}

data JobDescription = JobOne
                    | JobTwo
                    | JobThree
  deriving (Show, Eq)

class HasN x where
    n :: x -> Int

instance HasN (SJobDescription JobOne) where
    n (SJobOne x) = x

instance HasN (SJobDescription JobThree) where
    n (SJobThree x) = x

data SJobDescription :: JobDescription -> * where
    SJobOne :: Int -> SJobDescription JobOne
    SJobTwo :: SJobDescription JobTwo
    SJobThree :: Int -> SJobDescription JobThree

taskOneWorker :: SJobDescription JobOne -> IO ()
taskOneWorker t = do
    putStrLn $ "n: " ++ (show $ n t)

taskWorkerForAnythingWithN :: (HasN j, j ~ SJobDescription a) => j -> IO ()
taskWorkerForAnythingWithN t = do
    putStrLn $ "n: " ++ (show $ n t)

main :: IO ()
main = do
  let jobOne = SJobOne 10
  -- this one is good:
  taskOneWorker jobOne

  -- these don't type-check:
  -- taskOneWorker SJobTwo
  -- taskOneWorker (SJobThree 10)

  -- these work good
  -- taskWorkerForAnythingWithN (SJobOne 10)
  -- taskWorkerForAnythingWithN (SJobThree 10)

Here, you can not only see that we were able to use same "n" field-accessor to access different task's data, but also we are now good with writing the taskWorkerForAnythingWithN function, which doesn't care of it's concrete job type.

Questions I still have

So last solution looks almost ideal to what I want to have. Questions I have are:

  • is this solution is considered good to go?
  • are there solutions to generate boilerplate for these? (if yes -- how close would they be to code from snippet?)
  • what should a person with similar problem do (which materials to read)?

Stackoverflow page if you want to answer is here:

Thank you!