Episode 2 - Snap

As of March 2020, School of Haskell has been switched to read-only mode.


This is part of The Pragmatic Haskeller series.

At the moment, the examples of this post are not runnable.

Our barebone web application

Now that we have our barebone Haskell representation of a recipe, it's time to spread the news to the world. Which better place than Internet? Haskell has a good numbers of alternatives when it comes to web development. Here are several libraries which are part of our toolbelt:

I've added to the list also two "outsiders", projects which are unknown to most users but that still might be interesting for someone. Said that, the first three of the list are the most prominent ones. It's not my intention start a comparison, so let's move further. For The purposes of this episode, I've used Snap, mainly because I love its code design, most of its design choices because I'm a forever $ print "tiny" contributor.

Snap can be daunting at first, because the documentation on the website is very slick and it lacks a sort of "tutorial for dummies" which guides you through every aspect of your app development.

Different levels of granularity

Like most web frameworks out there, Snap has a scaffolding utility to generate a fully working web application out of the box. Before unravelling the magic command, let me show you how succinct can be writing a small application listening on a port and spitting out "Hello World!":

{-# START_FILE Version1.hs #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}

import Snap

site :: Snap ()
site = writeText "Hello Pragmatic Haskeller!"

main :: IO ()
main = quickHttpServe site

If you ignore the pragma and the type signature, it's three lines of code! You can run it with runhaskell Version1.hs and it will do what you expect.

Printing our recipe from an external file

Right now, our app is not so exciting after all; what if we make it display our parsed Haskell data structure? That would be a start! This example shows a sort of Snap's best practice: for each resource we ask, we implement an handler, responsible to implement the logic. This example might not show immediately what I'm talking about, but I hope everything will be clarified with the last version of our server:

{-# START_FILE Version2.hs #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}

module Pragmatic.Server where

import Prelude hiding (readFile)
import Snap
import Data.Aeson
import Pragmatic.Types
import Pragmatic.JSON.Parser
import Data.Text as T
import Data.ByteString.Lazy

showRecipe :: ByteString -> Snap ()
showRecipe toParse = writeText parseRecipe
  where parseRecipe = case (eitherDecode' toParse :: Either String Recipe) of
                        Left e -> T.pack e
                        Right r -> T.pack . show $ r

app :: ByteString -> Snap ()
app toParse = route [("/recipe", showRecipe toParse)]

main :: IO ()
main = do
    toParse <- readFile "recipe.json"
    quickHttpServe (app toParse)

Bonus tip: In this example, we could have make a slightly better design choice; instead of creating an impure function to live inside the Snap monad, we could have written showRecipe in a pure way, using writeText directly inside our "route manager", but for the purposes of this example it doesn't really matter, but is in general a good suggestion to follow. Whenever you can, always write pure functions; it will translate in code easier to reason about, reuse and test but is in general a good suggestion to follow. Whenever you can, always write pure functions; it will translate in code easier to reason about, reuse and test.

Build a more structured Snap application

As I told you, Snap already provides a scaffolding utility to scrap some boilerplate. When you first run snap init into an empty directory, it will create a bunch of files:

  • Main.hs
  • Application.hs
  • Site.hs

While the first one is just to bootstrap the application and you rarely will need to modify it, I find effective to think about the other two like the place where your application stack will live (more on that later) and where your resource handlers will live. So let's take a peek to these two guys.


Let's take a look to Application.hs:

{-# START_FILE Application.hs #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}

module Pragmatic.Server.Application where

import Control.Lens
import Snap.Snaplet
import Snap.Snaplet.MongoDB.Core

data Pragmatic = Pragmatic 
  { _db :: Snaplet MongoDB }

makeLenses ''Pragmatic

instance HasMongoDB Pragmatic where
    getMongoDB app = view snapletValue (view db app)

type AppHandler = Handler Pragmatic Pragmatic

You'll notice a couple of things:

  • We have this mysterious monad called Snaplet
  • We do something with MongoDB
  • We have that type synonym called AppHandler

Let's go briefly over these three points.


One of Snap's strengths is represented by Snaplets, auto-contained piece of functionality we can reuse to build our website. Once you grok it, the entire mechanism is quite powerful. The classic example is a logger. Suppose you want to give your website logging capabilities. You could implement logging throughout the webapp, or "bundle" it in a series of modules other developers could use, "jacking-in" your bundle. This is the idea behind Snaplets. The are a lot of Snaplets coded by the community, from DB to Javascript integration. I've chosen snaplet-mongodb-minimalistic: all I have to do is to "plumb" it to my application App, tell Snap how to initialise it (see later) and we have MongoDB in our app! Last but not least, that curious type synonym is for accessing our application stack: the outer monad remind us in which environment we are operating in, so that the inner monad can change according to which Snaplet we are "targeting". You can think the AppHandler as the "root" of our application. If you look carefully you will note AppHandler has kind * -> *, so it's still waiting for something.. speculations? It's the return type, aka what our handler will yield!

Putting everything together

What is left? Well, here is Site.hs (long file incoming!):

{-# START_FILE Site.hs #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}

module Pragmatic.Server.Site (app) where

import Data.Aeson
import Data.AesonBson
import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BL
import Data.Text as T
import Database.MongoDB
import Pragmatic.JSON.Parser
import Pragmatic.Server.Application
import Pragmatic.Types
import Snap
import Snap.Snaplet.MongoDB

handleIndex :: AppHandler ()
handleIndex = writeText "Welcome to the pragmatic bakery!"

-- Show the underlying Haskell data structure of recipe.json
handleShow :: AppHandler ()
handleShow = do
    toParse <- liftIO $ BL.readFile "recipe.json"
    writeText $ eitherParse toParse
  where eitherParse tp = case (eitherDecode' tp :: Either String Object) of
                           Left e -> T.pack e
                           Right r -> T.pack . show $ r

-- Here we try to store the recipe.json with the new Data.AesonBson
handleStore :: AppHandler ()
handleStore = do
    toParse <- liftIO $ BL.readFile "recipe.json"
    result <- storeRecipe toParse
    writeText $ T.pack . show $ result

parseRecipe :: BL.ByteString -> Either String Object
parseRecipe = eitherDecode'

storeRecipe :: BL.ByteString -> AppHandler (Either String Object)
storeRecipe recipe = case parseRecipe recipe of
      Left f -> return $ Left f
      Right r -> do
        res <- eitherWithDB $ insert "recipes" $ toBson r
        case res of
          Left _ -> return $ Left "Failed to store the recipe."
          Right _ -> return $ Right r

routes :: [(ByteString, Handler Pragmatic Pragmatic ())]
routes = [("/", handleIndex)
         , ("/show", handleShow)
         , ("/store", handleStore)

app :: SnapletInit Pragmatic Pragmatic
app = makeSnaplet "pragmatic" "Pragmatic web service" Nothing $ do
    d <- nestSnaplet "db" db $ mongoDBInit 10 (host "") "pragmatic-haskeller"
    addRoutes routes
    return $ Pragmatic d

It's a lot of code, but don't be scared about it, you have already seen part of it. If you look carefully, all those "handler" are like the function we wrote in Version2, but on steroid, because now we yield an AppHandler a rather than an humble Snap a. Apart from that, I want to point your attention on three things:

  • The app function does the heavy bootstrapping; this is something you'll always need to do. For each Snaplet you add to your application, you need to also specify how to initialise it. Here we are initialising a new db called "the-pragmatic-haskeller" using the mongod running on localhost.

  • storeRecipe uses the MongoDB snaplet to save our recipe into a collection called "recipes". The conversion to BSON is free and is offered by aeson-bson (many thanks to the original authors for their job, this is my shameless fork).

Nota bene: At the moment aeson-bson is not on Hackage. It's a shameless fork, with minimal tweaks from the original work of Niklas Hambüchen and Andras Slemmer. The difference is mainly in a different name (all lowercase, dashed) and a slightly different interface. I'm pretty sure you can plug out my fork and use the original version without any substantial difference. If you want the very same version I use, install it from github.


Wow, it has been a long episode, but we accomplished a lot:

  • We have a web server listening on port 8000. Try this at home:
    1. http://localhost:8000/
    2. http://localhost:8000/show
    3. http://localhost:8000/store
  • We have marshalling/unmarshalling of our recipes to and from JSON

  • We have json/bson serialisation/deserialisation and we can store our recipes effortlessly.

External References

Refer to the official documentation and Oliver Charles' post:

The code

Grab the code here. The example is self contained, just cabal-install it!

Next Time

We'll mess with config file. Stay tuned!
