
As of March 2020, School of Haskell has been switched to read-only mode.


While the FP School of Haskell doesn't have any way built in for users to provide feedback to authors, there are a number of things authors can do to let users provide feedback. Likewise, users can check these things when they want to give feedback.

Author biography

The easiest - and most useful - thing an author can do is provide contact information in their FP School of Haskell biography. This is displayed on the users page that lists all of their content, which is linked to underneath the title of each tutorial.

To edit your biography, click on the Menu icon in the upper right nav bar, then click on the Wrench icon to get to your settings. You can edit the Personal Bio text on that page to say whatever you want about yourself, including how to get in touch with you about a Tutorial. Add your email address as obfuscated text, or a mailto: link. Add links to your page on your favorite social network. Add a phone number or snail-mail address, if that's what you want.

The biography uses the same markdown syntax as the FP School of Haskell.

Sharing on a social network

All social networks allow their users to share links, and many of them allow discussions about the links that will be displayed as a single page. We recommend Google+ or Reddit. Google+ is where our community is. Reddit combines shares from all users into a single page. We'll walk you through setting up bot of these. This will work for most other sites as well, with minor modifications as noted.

The FP Complete School of Haskell provides buttons near the upper right of each tutorial for Google+, Twitter, Facebook and Reddit. These will open a page so you can share the link to the readers status on those systems. If you want to use one of those, that's the easy way to do this. But read the next section for a better way to share on Google+.

Link on Google+

Google+ allows the creation of communities and topics in those communities. We have created a community for FP Complete, including a topic for FP School of Haskell tutorials that authors can use for feedback. We recommend you share your tutorials there, as it'll get extra exposure to readers who are interested in providing feedback or commentary, as well as show up in your normal status. It does require a bit more work.

  1. Publish. After you've written your tutorial, go ahead and publish it as usual.
  2. Share it. After you've published, share the link just like you normally would. For Google+, use the g+ button on your tutorial, then on the share page, find FP Complete in your list of communities, and select the Tutorial Author Feedback topic to add it there as well as to your status page.
  3. Get Link. Now that your feedback/comments/forum page has been created, find it's URL. For Google+, use the downward arrow in the upper right corner of the post, and select Link to post to get the URL.
  4. Update. Add a final paragraph to your tutorial, providing a link to the URL you just obtained, and recommending people use that for discussion, feedback, or whatever you wish. Click the Update button just underneath the title of your tutorial in the left-hand pane to publish the new version.

Link on Reddit

Reddit is even easier. After you publish your article, just click the Reddit button in the upper left. That will take you to a page where you can publish the article. If someone has already published it, you'll go to the discussion page on reddit. So all that's left is to add text to your article encouraging people to use the reddit page for feedback.

Providing feedback

If the author hasn't provided a link near the bottom for comments or feedback, then check their profile biography. Just click their name under the title of the tutorial to be taken to that page. If they haven't provided a mechanism there, you can send email to FP Complete Support about it, but that may be filtered, and they won't be able to reply.

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