Part 1

As of March 2020, School of Haskell has been switched to read-only mode.


This tutorial is the first in a series of 4 tutorials on how to build a file hosting service using Yesod. Site visitors will be able to upload collections of files, and later download those same files to a different computer. We'll touch on issues you will likely encounter when writing any web app such as HTML generation, styling, maintaining application state, and managing form data.

The main goal of the tutorials are to show you how to get started writing web applications using Haskell and the Yesod Web Framework. Each entry will build on the last as we write a complete application from start to finish.

The Yesod Web Framework is a complete package for developing web applications. Yesod projects execute as an HTTP server that can be self-hosted or interface with an existing server using methods such as FastCGI. A unique system of mapping URL paths to handler functions make it so that broken links trigger a compile-time error. Several miniature domain-specific languages aid in the making of persistence layers, routing systems, and templates. Fragments of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript can be packaged into components called widgets. These can be combined with each other efficiently so that clients receive a single copy of everything they need.

Many of Yesod's features will be left out of discussion. One of these is Yesod's built-in support for automated testing. Another is Yesod's ability to run applications such that templates are automatically reloaded at runtime.


As we go I will follow a set of conventions in how examples appear, programming constructs are referred to, and new material is presented. Being aware of these conventions from the beginning may help you follow along.

When I refer to the name of a function, data type, or class which is found in within the libraries supported by FP Complete, it will often be hyperlinked to documentation. Examples might be the lookup function from the

Data.List module. When I quote a short expression of code, refer to a name defined within the project, or otherwise embed a programming language fragment into the English prose, it will appear `like this`.

These tutorials are written using the FP School of Haskell learning site. Most of the provided code samples will be executable. These will have the usual FP School of Haskell "play" button in the upper-right hand corner. You are encouraged to experiment with these example applications, and to execute the modifications that you make. Over the course of this series the project will grow, so in each new section we will only show files where changes have occurred. You will always be able to see the hidden code by clicking on buttons which will appear in the upper-right hand corner of the example.

Pay special attention to highlighted blocks within the examples. These are the lines which have been changed or added. Comments represent lines of code as they were in a previous example.

Minimal Example

Let's start by writing a minimal web site that serves a single page of static HTML. I'll walk you through the code line-by-line. Later on we will break this application into several files, but everything will fit into the same pattern.

{-# START_FILE Main.hs #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}

module Main where

import Yesod

data App = App
instance Yesod App

mkYesod "App" [parseRoutes|
/ HomeR GET

getHomeR :: Handler Html
getHomeR = defaultLayout $ do
    setTitle "File Processor"
    toWidget [whamlet|
<h2>Previously submitted files

main :: IO ()
main = warpEnv App

Language extensions

{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}

The first block of text is a collection of compiler pragmas declaring that several language extensions will be used. We will briefly describe their purpose here. See the GHC user guide for more information.


Overloaded strings allows us to use string literals where we would not otherwise be able to. Take a look at the line reading, setTitle "File Processor". The setTitle action expects the type of its argument to be Html, and we've supplied a string literal. Standard Haskell would fix the type of our string to [Char] or String, and report a type error.

Using overloaded strings is not required, but frees us from having to manually convert string literals to the types we want. Without this extension we would have needed to import the Data.String module and set the page title with, setTitle . fromString $ "File Processor".

We recommend trying this out as an exercise. Disable the OverloadedStrings extension, and read the compiler error. Once you have done this, change the line starting with "setTitle" so that the program will run. A solution is included below.

TemplateHaskell and QuasiQuotes

The TemplateHaskell language extension enables compile-time metaprogramming. Yesod uses this in a number of places to reduce and simplify the amount of code we need to write. Much of our application's boilerplate will be written for us.

Any function calls made from the top level of a source file are examples of Template Haskell in use. The line reading mkYesod "App" ... is one such place. We will describe what this line does later on.

The QuasiQuotes language extension is an addition to Template Haskell which allows us to embed domain specific languages directly into Haskell source files. Yesod includes several of these small languages, and our first example uses 2 of them. The extension gets its name from the [| and |] tokens that surround it. I'll highlight this extension's usage below:

mkYesod "App" {-hi-}[parseRoutes|
/ HomeR GET

getHomeR :: Handler Html
getHomeR = defaultLayout $ do
    setTitle . fromString $ "File Processor"
    toWidget {-hi-}[whamlet|
<h2>Previously submitted files


The TypeFamilies language extension is used internally by Yesod. We will not be using it directly in this tutorial, but the extension will need to be enabled in a few modules.

Module and Import Declarations

module Main where

import Yesod

Our hello world application includes everything in a single file. When we expand on it I will show you the recommended way to organize a Yesod project. The Yesod module exports most of the basic functionality for writing a Yesod application.

Defining the Foundation Type

{-hi-}data App = App{-/hi-}
instance Yesod App

All Yesod sites contain a single "foundation" type. This type is used to hold references to any state that the site needs to maintain. The type is constructed once in the application's main function, and remains in memory until the program terminates. Since our example has no state, the App constructor has no fields.

Instantiating the Yesod Typeclass

instance Yesod App

Our App data type has been made an instance of the Yesod type class. We can now supply an App to functions which accept instances of Yesod as an argument.

The Yesod type class includes many methods. They all contain default implemantations that can be overridden. By writing instance Yesod App, we've declared that all of the default methods should be used.

Automatically Generating Boilerplate.

mkYesod "App" [parseRoutes|/ HomeR GET|]

The mkYesod template haskell function generates most of the boilerplate needed to tie our App data type and the

Yesod type class together into a complete application. The first argument is the name of our data type as a literal string. The second argument is a declaration of our site's routes. Everything between "[parseRoutes|" and "|]" is not Haskell, but a miniature language for declaring how URLs should map to handler actions. The string, "/ HomeR GET", says that our site will listen for HTTP GET requests at the root path, and will pass those requests to a handler function named getHomeR.

Yesod's mkYesod Template Haskell function generates data types and type aliases that are used by the rest of our application. One such type alias is Handler, which is used in handler functions.

Writing Route Handler Actions

getHomeR :: Handler Html
getHomeR = defaultLayout $ do
    setTitle "File Processor"
    toWidget [whamlet|
<h2>Previously submitted files

Any route mentioned in our parseRoutes quasi-quoted fragment must have an associated handler function. There is a convention for how handler functions should be named. Recall that our route definition was [parseRoutes|/ HomeR GET|]. The HomeR fragment becomes the name for our home page if we ever want to generate a hyperlink back to it. Handler actions always have names starting with the HTTP verb they handle followed by the name of the route.

In the first line we see defaultLayout being called. This is one of the Yesod type class's methods. It operates in a special handler monad that the call to mkYesod generated for us. The defaultLayout method takes a "widget" action as an argument, and produces a block of HTML to be used in the final HTTP response.

The next 3 lines make up our widget action. The call to

setTitle specifies what ends up in our final HTML's <title> tag. Yesod uses a templating language called Hamlet to produce HTML. This is what you see in the block starting with `toWidget [whamlet|` and ending in `|]`. Hamlet supports a number of features that will be useful to us later on. For now we're just generating static HTML that will end up in our `` tag.

Starting the Server Process

main :: IO ()
main = warpEnv App

The main action is where we initialize configurations, open database connections, or perform other up-front processes. Typically our foundation data type, App in this case, will hold references to anything needed during execution.

A Closer Look at Hamlet

Earlier on We gave you a glimps of using Hamlet to generate static HTML. We want to end this episode by showing you a few other features of Hamlet so you will have something to experiment with.


Hamlet's syntax is similar to HTML in that text is marked up with angle bracketted tags. You may have noticed in the example given above that We did not type a closing tag. This is because Hamlet uses whitespace for nesting. As an example, here is how you would make an unordered list:

{-# START_FILE Main.hs #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}

module Main where

import Yesod

data App = App
instance Yesod App

mkYesod "App" [parseRoutes|
/ HomeR GET

getHomeR :: Handler Html
getHomeR = defaultLayout $ do
    setTitle "File Processor"
    toWidget [whamlet|
<h2>Previously submitted files

main :: IO ()
main = warpEnv App

Try making a few modifications to get a feel for how nesting works. Any tag starting at a later column than the one above it is considered a child node. See how you might make an HTML table.

Pulling Data from Surroundings

Blocks of Hamlet are able to include values taken from the surrounding code. This is done using the hash curly brace syntax, #{...}. Imagine that our handler action has pulled a few filenames from a database, and wants to include it in the final HTML. Here is how you might do something like that.

{-# START_FILE Main.hs #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}

module Main where

import Yesod

data App = App
instance Yesod App

mkYesod "App" [parseRoutes|
/ HomeR GET

-- show
getHomeR :: Handler Html
getHomeR = defaultLayout $ do
{-hi-}    let filename1 = "readme.txt" :: String
        filename2 = "report.pdf" :: String
        filename3 = "music.wav" :: String{-/hi-}
    setTitle "File Processor"
    toWidget [whamlet|
<h2>Previously submitted files
$#    <li>readme.txt
$#    <li>report.pdf
$#    <li>music.wav
{-hi-}    <li>#{filename1}
-- /show

main :: IO ()
main = warpEnv App

Haskell's let syntax binds a name to a value. Any type that can be converted to HTML can be used. I've specified that each filename is a String. Haskell is often able to figure out which type to use, but in this case it is not. Try removing ":: String" from one of the filenames to see what error you get. It's helpful to become familiar with compiler errors.

Looping Through a List

Later on we'll use this technique of referencing Haskell values from within a Hamlet template to pull data from our site's global state. When that time comes we'll want a way of looping through multiple values to produce a list of any length. Hamlet has a few special constructs for this kind of thing. Here is an example of looping through a list.

{-# START_FILE Main.hs #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}

module Main where

import Yesod

data App = App
instance Yesod App

mkYesod "App" [parseRoutes|
/ HomeR GET

-- show
getHomeR :: Handler Html
getHomeR = defaultLayout $ do
--    let filename1 = "readme.txt" :: String
--        filename2 = "report.pdf" :: String
--        filename3 = "music.wav" :: String
{-hi-}    let filenames = ["readme.txt", "report.pdf", "music.wav"] :: [String]{-/hi-}
    setTitle "File Processor"
    toWidget [whamlet|
<h2>Previously submitted files
$#    <li>#{filename1}
$#    <li>#{filename2}
$#    <li>#{filename3}
{-hi-}    $forall filename <- filenames
-- /show

main :: IO ()
main = warpEnv App

In the $forall command, "filename" is bound to each element of the "filenames" list. Hamlet has several other special commands besides these.


Here is how we might use the null command and an if-else construct for special handling in the case of an empty list.

{-# START_FILE Main.hs #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}

module Main where

import Yesod

data App = App
instance Yesod App

mkYesod "App" [parseRoutes|
/ HomeR GET

-- show
getHomeR :: Handler Html
getHomeR = defaultLayout $ do
    let filenames = [] :: [String]
    setTitle "File Processor"
    toWidget [whamlet|
<h2>Previously submitted files
$# <ul>
$#    $forall filename <- filenames
$#        <li>#{filename}
{-hi-}$if null filenames
    <p>No files have been uploaded yet.
        $forall filename <- filenames
-- /show

main :: IO ()
main = warpEnv App

Try adding an entry or two into the filenames list to verify that the $else branch is executed in that case.


In this episode we looked at a minimal Yesod application, and saw how to generate HTML using Hamlet templates. The next entry We will show you how to organize a Yesod project.

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